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Inclusive Skills Foundation

Inclusive Skills Foundation 

Raising funds for the Artificial Eye Clinic & Bowel Cancer with The Sports Lounge 

The ISF is a proactive social initiative founded by myself, Manjit Singh Takhar, to address a need for a flexible, socially inclusive, activities group within the city of Leicester.

Initially planned as a specific VI Futsal group, since 2015 the idea has evolved to include a range of developing range of skills-based activities, each promoted in the specific interest of the Foundation Clients.

The I.S.Foundation is designed to provide an opportunity for anyone who finds appeal in the range of activities on offer at any time.

The Foundation offers people individually the opportunity to expand their social health experiences within mutually supportive fun environments, taking part in a variety of sports and social pursuits.

The idea has evolved to include a range of skills-based activities, each promoted in the specific interest of the Foundation Clients, irrespective of colour, race, or ability.

For More Information Click Here