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We are here to help

Community support is essential for building and maintaining a thriving and prosperous society. It involves people coming together to contribute their time, skills, and resources to support their local community in various ways. Whether it’s volunteering at a local charity, participating in community events, or simply checking in on your neighbours, community support is all about creating a sense of belonging, connection, and support within the community.



When people come together to support their community, they can help to build strong and resilient neighbourhoods that are better equipped to face challenges and create positive change. This can include initiatives such as community clean-ups, local fundraising campaigns, and support for vulnerable members of the community.



In the context of the BDB Charity, community support can involve providing resources that can support you to carry out your delivery in the community. Below you will see a list of items that you can hire/ borrow, if you can not see something on the list or would like more support in other areas please get in touch with the team who are always ready to empower the community. 


Overall, community support is about building a strong and cohesive community that works together to create positive change and support one another through challenges. By coming together and supporting our local community, we can create a brighter future for all.


Borrow equipment & transport

The charity allows community members to borrow vehicles if they are available. Click on the title to read the full specifications.




Small portable projector & large inflatable projector

Price: £20-50 per 48 hrs

Mic and speakers

Two wireless mics high performance and large speakers

Price: £50 per 48 hrs


Blue padded cushioned solid back chairs with silver frames

Price: £2.50 per 48 hrs




Classic ACCURATE Rectangle white foldable dining table 

Price: £5 per 48 hrs 




Red velvet rope and gold post to create a walk way or VIP section

Price: £10 per 48 hrs


Did you know?


Breaking Down Barriers also support community sporting groups by sourcing sporting equipment, kit and amongst other things. Just get in discuss and let us see how we can help you.

To enquire about these products contact info@bdbuk.org